Хімічні олімпіади на Facebook

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1 August 2016: Ukrainian team has won 4 medals at the 48th IChO. The team consisted of Anton Hanopolskyi (Kyiv, silver medal), Denys Bondarenko (Kyiv, silver medal), Hlib Razumkov (Kyiv, bronze medal), and Bohdan Kozibroda (Volyn Region, bronze medal). 

6 April 2016:  We extend our deepest condolences on the passing away of Wolfgang Hampe

For several decades he was one of the most wise, friendly and  enthusiastic figures in Chemistry olympiads 

1 April 2016: Report from the 53rd Ukrainian national olympiad (March 2016), Ukrainian

25 March 2016: Підготовчі завдання до 48-ї Міжнародної олімпіади з хімії

30 July 2015: Ukrainian team has won 4 silver medals at the 47th International Chemistry Olympiad 

28 July 2014: Ukrainian team has won 2 gold and 2 silver medals at the 46th International Chemistry Olympiad. Roman Didenkho and Khrystofor Khokhlov are the gold medalists. Oleh Hordiychuk and Vladyslav Neshta won silver medals.  

25 July 2013: Ukrainian team has won 4 medals at the 45th IChO. The team consisted of Olexandr Vuhivskiy (Kharkiv, gold medal), Andriy Stelmakh (Lviv, gold medal), Mykyta Onizhuk (Kharkiv, gold medal), and Khrystofor Khokhlov (Kyiv, bronze medal).

22 березня 2013: Матеріали до 50-річчя Всеукраїнських хімічних олімпіад

31 July 2012: Ukrainian team at the 44th International Chemistry Olympiad has won gold, 2 silver and bronze medals.  

                        Results. Statistics. Report

30 January 2012: The 70th anniversary of the Head of Jury of Ukrainian Chemistry Olympiads Professor Ivan Kocherga (1942-2003)

3 January 2012: Памяти Сергея Сергеевича Чуранова


Collection of olympiad tasks

in English:

Collection of tasks from the past IChO

The 47th Ukrainian Olympiad (2010) PDF 430K

The 46th Ukrainian Olympiad (2009) PDF 700K

The 42nd Ukrainian Olympiad (2005) PDF 200K

The 40th Ukrainian Olympiad (2003) PDF 179K 

The 39th Ukrainian Olympiad (2002) PDF 225K

The 36th Ukrainian Olympiad (1999) PDF 198K

in Ukrainian:

Tasks from the 53rd Ukrainian Olympiad (2016): problems and solutions

Books for high-school students: manuals and sets of problems, including tasks from Ukrainian chemistry olympiads since 1985 and all theoretical tasks from Ukrainian chemistry olympiads held in 2003-2011

Tasks from the 52nd Ukrainian Olympiad (2015)

Tasks from the 51st Ukrainian Olympiad (2014)

The 45th International Olympiad (2013): theory and practice

Tasks from the 50th Ukrainian Olympiad (2013)

The 44th International Olympiad (2012): theory and practice

The 49th Ukrainian Olympiad (2012)

Video presentation of tasks and photos from the 45th Ukrainian national olympiad (by Dr. Alexander Lyapunov)

The 43rd International Olympiad (2011): theory and practice

The 48th Ukrainian Olympiad (2011)

The experimental tasks from the 46th Ukrainian Olympiad (2009)

The 42nd International Olympiad (2010): theory and practice

The 41st International Olympiad (2009): theory and practice

The 40th International Olympiad (2008): tasks and solutions 

The 40th International Olympiad (2008): preparatory problems

The 38th International Olympiad (2006): practice and theory

The 39th Ukrainian Olympiad (2002)

The 36th Ukrainian Olympiad (1999)

The 35th Ukrainian Olympiad (1998)

The Ukrainian Students’ Olympiads (1998-2001)


Papers about olympiads and secondary education

Холин Ю. О Международной химической олимпиаде школьников.
И не только о ней.
Холін Ю.В., Мальченко Г.І. Міжнародні хімічні олімпіади та участь у них команд України
Кандаскалов Д. Спогади про 42-гу Міжнародну хімічну олімпіаду (Хімія. Шкільний світ. 
Всеукраїнська газета для вчителів хімії. 2011. №4 (652)). 
Холин Ю.В. Горькая правда об украинской школе. 
Результаты исследования TIMSS-2007


Useful links

Short description of Ukrainian olympiads

Olympiads are the competitions for high-school students. The aims of olympiads are to find gifted students and to develop methods of education. 

The Ukrainian Chemistry Olympiad is hold at four stages and includes the competitions at the school, district, regional and all-Ukrainian levels. The Olympiad is organized by the Ministry of Education and Science. Every year more than 300000 high-school students take part in the Olympiad.

The All-Ukrainian chemistry olympiad is the gathering of the best students from all the country. The competitors are divided into four age groups from 14 to 17 years old. The winners of the olympiad are defined separately in each group, and approximately one half of the participants is awarded. The olympiad consists of three rounds: two theoretical and experimental.


Положення про про Всеукраїнські учнівські олімпіади, турніри, конкурси з навчальних предметів, конкурси-захисти науково-дослідницьких робіт, олімпіади зі спеціальних дисциплін та конкурси фахової майстерності (в редакції від 26 березня 2012 року)


Renewed program of Ukrainian chemistry olympiads (2016)


Ukrainian teams at the International Chemistry Olympiads (English and Ukrainian)


Матеріали і спогади до 40-річчя Всеукраїнських хімічних олімпіад (українська, російська мови)

До 70-річчя від дня народження голови журі Всеукраїнських олімпіад з хімії І. І. Кочерги (1942-2003)

Матеріали до 45-річчя Всеукраїнських хімічних олімпіад

Report from the 53rd Ukrainian national olympiad (March 2016), Ukrainian

Report from the 52nd Ukrainian national olympiad (March 2015), Ukrainian

Report from the 51st Ukrainian national olympiad (March 2014), Ukrainian

Report from the 50th Ukrainian national olympiad (March 2013), Ukrainian

Report from the 49th Ukrainian national olympiad (March 2012), Ukrainian

Report from the 48th Ukrainian national olympiad (March 2011, Ukrainian
Report from the 47th Ukrainian national olympiad (March 2010, Ukrainian
Report from the 46th Ukrainian national olympiad (March 2009, Ukrainian

Report from the 41st Ukrainian national olympiad (March 2004, Russian)

Report from the XL Ukrainian national olympiad (March 2003, Russian)

Report from the XXXIX Ukrainian national olympiad (March 2002, Russian)

Report from the XXXVIII Ukrainian national olympiad (March 2001, Russian)

Report from the XXXVII Ukrainian national olympiad (March 2000, Russian)

Report from the XXXVI Ukrainian national olympiad (April 1999, Russian)




 Photos from chemistry olympiads























Last updated 11 October, 2016